Media convergence is the coming together of various Conglomerates own vast swathes of different types of media.
A small scale version of this would be Channel 4, owning TV, 4od, E4 and working title.
The biggest example being NewsCorp, owning 20th century fox, various newspapers, media magazines, the BBC, and Myspace.
Revenue for the year ended june 2008 was USD32,996 billion.
Working title is two-thirds owned by NBC universal, but is still British run in this country.
Alot of their films are a world of difference to other companies films as they have access to a bigger budget and can tap into conglomerate for giant synergies to market them.
Working title does produce some big budget films such as 'Love, Actually', with a £30,000,000 budget. Though not as much as 20th century fox's Avatar, with an estimated $237,000,000 budget.
Definition: The unintended use of an institution's media text (i.e. a film) by OTHER PEOPLE who use the film or parts of it to form new texts, what happens to a film after the public get their hands on it using digital technology.
Many people go online and use sites like Youtube, Facebook and Blogger, where these sites have message boards and comment pages, people can comment on them, and also take parts of a film and put them together with different music and publish it on these sites and various others.
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